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2021 ⭐️

Love, joy and peace for the new year!

This year I hope for me and (you) to:

☆ Have more fun and be less obsessed with work

☆ Be more present and less in the future,

☆ Travel and explore and be mindful of our earth

☆ Know my worth and drop the doubts

☆ Call forth abundance as a way of being, and leave any aspects of scarcity behind me.🌟

☆ Be #highvibe and say goodbye to parts of me that are low vibe 😜

☆ Have more tolerance and less judgement for myself and others

☆ Form warm nurturing connections, and attract supportive, positive colleagues.

☆ Drop pointing fingers and see the joy in every member of my family ♥️

☆ Trust that the universe will provide me with all that I need and more ✨

☆ Be so filled with the vibration of LOVE - that all of my existence is #ledbylove 🤍

☆ To continue to do my bit to make this world 🌎 a brighter and Light filled place 🙃

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