Mercury Whaatt?! 🤔
If you’ve spent enough time on instagram, or have an affinity for astrology, you would have probably seen some posts or stories about a phenomenon called Mercury Retrograde. The current infamous astrological event that seems to make all things go haywire… especially, when it comes to Communication, Travel and Technology.
If you still believe that all this Retrograde business is hocus-pocus… then, let me ask you if in the last 3 or 4 weeks, you’ve experienced any of these untimely, annoying scenarios...
Your phone hung and now it won’t come back on? 🙈
And it wasn’t backed up 😵
You bought tickets to the show for the wrong time/day? 🙈
How the hell did that happen???
Your flight was canceled at the last minute? 🙈
Well that’s a bummer arghh!!
You drunk-texted your Ex? 🙈
Talk about a scroll of shame.
You totally lost your cool on that employee & now she wants to quit? 🙈
And those dreams, damn! Those crazy - ass vivid dreams 😓
Why was my 8th grade bff in my dream and hanging with my current bestie? 😵
Okay, so you got the point. Jokes aside, Mercury retrograde can be a highly inconvenient and confusing time. And what’s more? Mercury “goes” retrograde three or four times each year. Yes, we’ve lived with this pretty much our entire lives. What I mean by it “goes”, is that it “appears” from Earth to be traveling backwards in its orbit. So it travels back to the previous sign and and returns back on track towards the end of the retrograde - often leaving us with a sort of a double whammy of lessons and us feeling like we’re stuck in indecision mode going back and forth in many areas in our lives.
For an astrology enthusiast like myself, it’s an absolutely fascinating occurrence and I can tell you that since I stopped blaming Mercury Retrograde and instead, started paying attention to what this vital time is teaching me and asking me to re-integrate within my being, the mishaps are just not as chaotic or inconvenient any longer!
Because if this phenomenon exists in our world, it's gotta have a Purpose! 🤷♀️
And here's what i think we’d rather be doing during this retrograde, so we can sail smoothly through these seemingly choppy times!
1) Since Mercury rules communication and intellect, make sure you communicate *clearly* - this means that you may have to repeat yourself a few times, re-read that email, re-check details like whom you're emailing/texting, are the figures right and are timelines correct?
It also means that things may take longer to conclude and there may be instances where you’re not sure what to say, so simply say Nothing. Re-evaluate and come back to it another day. In the relationship sphere however, you may find that you are just not finding the “right words” and in that case, also reserve your words for another day.
2) Be Willing and Open to last minute changes and rescheduling. Now, since you know it’s the retrograde that’s causing these inconveniences, don’t be frustrated; laugh at this crazy wonderfully random event, and honor the fact that there may be a solid, positive “reason” why this event is getting postponed - and remember that after all, there are truly “No Mistakes in this Universe”. And some things are simply not meant to be…
Instead, marvel at the fact that we live in an incredibly diverse, ever-changing and surprisingly magical world and that it’s epic AF to be able to experience it!
3) Very often we go through the churn of life and don’t get a chance to PROCESS and REFLECT through a past issue, a heart ache, a break-up, the grief we felt from the loss of a job, experiences, people and dreams and so on, and it’s very often left undealt with.
Because life simply gets in the way 🤷🏽♀️
So Deal with it NOW!! So much is on pause anyway - the Universe just carved out some time for you 🤗😉.
4) Don’t be in a hurry to close deals, quit that job, send that “stinker of an email”, or sign on ANY dotted line - Mercury retrograde is here to help you learn how to persevere, re-asses, re-consider, and be patient. So don’t be hasty or brash or fearful. These are some of the best life lessons!! 💯
5) And finally, You get to witness first hand how the Universe truly is the one in charge! And, you can learn to surrender to it. And Watch. Magic. Unfold.