Mothers are a girls best friend. It’s a shame that it takes us so long to figure this out - for both mums and daughters.
We are made of the same mould. Mothers, who are also daughters first, carry forward the silent suppressions and pain of their mothers and the generations gone by...
Mothers challenge society and sacrifice so that their daughters don’t have to have the same fight and in turn challenge and fight their daughters too.
And still for many…It is in our mothers embrace that we find solace.
We see in the other, ourselves - the love, the compassion, the anger, the crazy, the patterns, the struggles…
The mother - daughter relationship is the most important of all soul relationships, for it is our Mother that we choose first, before our births for our next incarnation upon earth.
This morning a friend sought out my guidance…from a health perspective. In my head was an intuitive voice saying “she working through generational trauma, she’s clearing for the past and integrating for the future.” Our sacred wombs are clearing not only the trauma of our personal lineages but that of all women upon earth. It’s not easy, it’s messy and overwhelming. #begentlewithyourself
If you have a mother who is amazing and loves you deeply - give gratitude daily and tell her often.
If you have a mother who didn’t - have compassion daily.
Find it in your heart to forgive and integrate her wound so you don’t carry it forward (even if you have/end up having a son). Set her free from the burdens of expectations, blame, judgement and anger that you probably carry in you. We don’t do this just for ourselves or our mothers alone - we do it for every other woman that walks this earth us.