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Lamya Arsiwala

Self Love-ing

Only we can love ourselves.

No matter how much someone else loves us, if we can’t locate that #light within - we become self destructive, easily angered, fall into depressive tendencies and basically trade our #freedom for acceptance and validation from the external.

A lack of self love is a common issue that sneaks up on us when trying to live the life we want for ourselves Often for self doubting people, love is generated through acceptance of others, and hence all joys and lows stem from acceptance or a lack of it.

People who lack self love can also easily drop down into constant self judgement and self victimisation.

The journey of falling in love with yourself is an easy one. Although, it takes time to develop and like any muscle it gets stronger with practice 💪. Ask these 5 questions often to yourself to #returntolove ♥️

- How do you speak to yourself in your head?

- How do you treat your body?

- Do you prioritize “you”?

- Are you honouring and communicating your own boundaries with ease?

- Are you honest with yourself and others?

Not everyone’s journey to Self Love is the same. A little awareness can go a long way - Catch yourself when you talk badly to yourself and about yourself to snap our of falling into a repeated pattern. Catch the thought release it ♥️

Become for yourself that ocean of love and nurture and the rest will all fall into place. ✨

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